Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh My Goodness!!

I was amazed this morning to open an email from to find out that our classroom rug project has been funded! That means that some generous souls donated over $400 four our classroom to purchase a rug. The rug should be here sometime around March 25, 2011! I will certainly post pictures of the rug when it gets here.

I get very emotional when I think about how much people care about our students and their education. I know this rug will mean so much for the kids. They will have a special spot to sit on, a spot that they can call their own during thier time in B27. The rug has the alphabet on it, so we can also use it for games! I don't know the names of everyone that donated, so I'm sending a big THANK YOU out there.

If you haven't had the pleasure to see, please take the time to do so. There are so many wonderful projects for public school classrooms that need funding. With just a few dollars, you can make a classroom dream come true! How amazing is that?! I know where I will be donating in the future...

Friday, January 21, 2011